叙事风格和《母亲5免费完整高清电视》完全不一样导演很会用文戏讲故事/// 每次更新一季月经后几天是安全期就会重新看一次上一季两年前的评论完全傻X叙事风格和《母亲5免费完整高清电视》完全一样只不过是节奏和戏剧冲突变了每一集都非常精致开头引出一段看似毫不相关的情节但剧集中间或者结尾处让观众恍然大悟这才是Vince叙事高明之处另外Vince真是耐得住性子吊着观众的胃口花了整整四季描绘Jimmy的往事为Saul Goodman铺垫如果没有一个大师级的叙事谁敢这么做(《两个人的视频免费高清在线观看》大卫芬奇同样也是) Vince is a legend!!! 三刷
My first review on Douban! I adored this imaginative take on the fairy tale; it’s packed with stunning visuals, great performances, tons of hilarious moments, and yet by the end I was in tears for completely different reasons. I hope this gets a wide release here in the States so I can take all my friends!